Another Camera?

Last spring my cannon camera died. I saw it was missing… and later found Blaze had pushed it into the mop bucket. As a result of that experience I looked into waterproof options like GoPro cameras.

I purchased one of the basic models, a Hero, and found it hard to use without any sort of screen/viewfinder. The medium-cost cameras can have a screen attachment and some of the more expensive ones come with an LCD screen. A month later the Hero+ version was released and I bought one of those, intending to return or sell the first one because I couldn’t use it without a screen. I never got around to it within the return period, leaving me with two cameras.

Good Things About the GoPro:

Action: These cameras are designed for action! This has resulted in some really cool photos and high quality video – when the action is close to the screen.

Waterproof: The camera is in a waterproof case – meaning we had a lot of fun out at the pond, in the woods, and with outdoor training on wet days. I’ve been able to use it in so many situations where I would normally be concerned about dirt/water!

Editing: The videos can be edited online or with the GoPro video editing program (downloaded from their website, free). The GoPro video editing program will allow you to adjust for the ‘fisheye’ lens and make more normal looking videos. Here’s one where I believe I edited with that program.

Fun!   You are tempted to do things like attach the camera to the dog. Not useful for most of the training that I do, but still was (briefly) entertaining.  note – this video is not easy to watch! 

Not So Good Things With The GoPro

Problems: Both cameras have given me trouble at times – the Hero+ even more. Sometimes it doesn’t record even though the counter is increasing. On a regular basis it won’t turn off (or reset). At times the front screen shows a few different things happening at once. Emails to the company haven’t resulted in resolution – the steps they wanted me to take seemed more complicated than what I could do.

Distance: It isn’t so good for far away things – which is a problem for trials and some training sessions. A ‘normal’ camera can give better video. Good news, you can’t really see my dog running away very well…. bad news, not as useful for training.

Sound: There is very muted sound unless the waterproof case is open. Sound also isn’t so great, even with it open.

Attachments: Attachments have to be purchased separately -these can be expensive and there are cheaper versions too. I’ve bought some of the less-expensive ones and they have broken very easily. The basic stand that came with the GoPros have held up fine. Maybe it’s a good thing that there are so many kinds – I know of people using them for nosework/tracking and attach the camera to the front of the handler (vest attachment). There are clips, suction cups, regular tripods, and all sorts of other options – even things to help it float in water (I didn’t trust those enough!).

Misc: I’m a little sad it hasn’t worked out better. I’ve taken some amazing photos (luck) with the burst mode but the video isn’t really working for my needs. I’m not sure what kind of camera to get at this point.

Have you used a GoPro for training? What did you do to make it work well for you?

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Categories: Video


Elayne · June 5, 2016 at 1:04 am

Love my GoPro! A couple things that help with agility videos:
1. Use the smallest field of view (FOV) setting that will fit everything in. Sometimes ‘Medium’ will fit everything.

2. Use the Zoom function on the GoPro editing software to zoom in even more.

3. Try to get some elevation but not too much and not from too far away. This was shot from a railing (used a small flexible leg tripod, like a Gorilla tripod) the same height as the railing shown in the very back of the video:
And here’s an example of just a regular tripod raised as high as it goes for elevation:
And outside with lots of elevation but not too far away – best conditions but obviously not usually possible.

These are all filmed with a Black Hero3+

4. You can also use the ‘sharpen’ feature in the editing software but don’t go too overboard.

5. I’ll use 30 fps indoors unless I’m really wanting slow motion in which case I’ll use 60 fps. Again you can use the editing software to lighten things up.

I find that for the most part I can get video good enough for looking at handling, contacts, etc. especially if I view in full screen. I like that I can always get the full field of view without having to ask someone to film me. I think the only other option is to get a regular camera with a wide angle lens attachment. Or get one of those gizmos that move the camera to follow you but they’re megabucks and the video is very jerky.

I do sometimes have issues with it turning off on its own, especially lately but I think it’s a battery thing. I hope it’s just a battery thing. Hate not having a viewfinder but I use the app on my cell phone and it works o.k. Kind of a hassle I’ll admit but I can deal with it. If you need audio you can buy a mic for it or an adapter if you already have a mic.

    afmd7525 · June 5, 2016 at 1:59 am

    Hi Elayne,

    Thanks so much for all those tips!

    I will have to read the manual to find out about FOV. When I used the editing zoom things weren’t clear enough to make me happy but I’ll try a few more times. Thanks for sharing!

      Elayne · June 5, 2016 at 7:00 pm

      The ‘sharpen’ feature can help a bit with that. Sharpening too much makes it look weird so you have to play around with it a little. You can usually get it clear enough for looking at handling, contacts, etc. especially if you have a large monitor and view it full screen. I also play around with the processing settings.

      FOV is one of the settings under the size menu (1080p vs 720, etc.).

Fanny · June 9, 2016 at 9:35 pm

Get a smart phone! I do all my video AND editing in my iPhone now. So convenient! All you need is a small tripod (like the gorilla pod) and you’re set!

    afmd7525 · June 10, 2016 at 2:54 am

    I am resisting as long as possible! I am missing the battery cover for my phone but it has lasted 6 months like this. I know it’s only a matter of time before I’m out of options.

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