Our central Ohio weather is finally feeling like spring! Even though it’s been a mild winter, it hasn’t been quite nice enough to be as enjoyable as some other years. If you’re going on more outings with this nicer weather, here are a few training games to help your dog be more calm and focused.

Focus Before Starting

Before even getting out of the car at your destination, or before stepping out of the house, let  your dog show you he is ready to be focused. When your dog looks at you, give a small treat. Repeat a few times. We want to see that your dog will look at you without needing help (calling, bribing with the treat, etc). This demonstration is with a dog in a car but you can do this at the front door of your house too.


Play in Various Environments

If dogs are expecting the possibility of play rewards in various environments, they are more likely to pay attention.  Play doesn’t need to be only an “at home” activity.  Think about why so many friendly dogs get excited when they meet people and dogs on walks – they want to play. If your dog knows play with you is an option, he has more reason to pay attention. Here’s an example of doing a tug toy session while waiting to cross a street. The toy is small and can hide in my pocket before/after the play break.

Settle and Watch

Whether out at a park or on your front porch, some dogs do better with holding still while they take in the environment. Letting your dog watch calmly and check in with you can be a great way to start an outing or to evaluate if you are ready to move closer to distractions.