We had an exciting weekend at a USDAA trial. Griffin was adorable – he had some really great runs and qualifying scores, a few small things on his part, and I had a very unfortunate run where I sent him off course. We finished his level 2 title and now can be up to level 3 for all the classes! We do better with the harder challenges.

Tonks had her first day participating! I’m so happy!  We intentionally chose a game so we could make up our own course.  She did well!


There are always things that can be better –  I know she can run much faster, she can get into her stopped position faster, and she had at least two glances at the ring crew.  But she stayed on task, she was happy for the leashing up at the end, she did not visit anyone and she followed direction well.  I’m now impatiently looking at our next opportunities to enter events!  It was really fun and felt easy – I’ll be more confident next time and better able to help her.