I really like buying training-related books but over the last few years I’ve not done a good job of reading most of the books I purchase. In the last year I decide to restrict my book purchases unless I catch up on reading what I already have.

That said – there were a few things I did buy.

The ABC Book of Companion Animal Behavior was purchased for a project. Someone had hoped it would be appropriate, but after a few chapters I decided it was too outdated for the purpose we needed. The agility book was on clearance and I’m always looking for inexpensive reference materials as 4-H prizes.

And the Animal Behavior book was a purchase I shouldn’t have made but I’m very happy I did. It arrived last week and I’ve eagerly been enjoying it.

I did read many books I had already purchased or re-read parts for reference. I am happy with my decision to purchase fewer dog book and that I did a good job of following through with that decision.

Will I catch up on reading for 2019?

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