Viktor is doing well with so many things. He’s an easy puppy, he’s very cuddly and quite adventurous. This week he managed to jump on the benches at the training center (but only once – he looked surprised when it was successful) and knocked down gates there and at home – I wish it was easier to contain him but I like his confidence! He’s now faster than me, he can jump quite high when trying to grab toys, and he’s officially outgrown the smaller travel crate. He’s also big enough that it’s not as comfortable for him to be carried – a few times he has moved away as I picked him up. We’ll work on that but also I’ll be carrying him less.

Informal Training: We’ve done a lot more come when called practice in different environments. In familiar locations (near the house, training facility) he is getting more adventurous and ranging further from me. In less familiar locations, like on this hike he sticks pretty close. The proximity variation is a result of his age/development more than any specific training.

Formal Training: We went to walk in New Albany and met quite a few people. He was amazing in puppy class on Saturday – while I was teaching he would stay on his mat with me in the middle of the room. He’s so much more patient than Griffin! We also did a puppy class and part of a big dog class yesterday.

We did a lot of sending to a mat/platform and even began to add in cues:

I am a little worried about how calm he can be – his video from puppy class shows how is for pretty much all of class. Is this just who he is? Have I trained him to be like this? Will I be able to get him excited enough to do fast things? Is he overwhelmed by things in the environment (I don’t think so?)?

Next Week: More class. More training. More crating at home and I have to start training him to be crated/in a pen in a room where I’m teaching! The more I put this off, the harder it will be! Next Monday the online class we’re taking will start – I’m so excited!


Fanny · February 12, 2015 at 10:56 pm

Calm is good! A dog that can relax is such a blessing. He looks like he has a lot of focus and enthusiasm when you’re working on the send to platform, so I wouldn’t worry about his excitement level. Can’t wait to see him in class!

Laura, Lance and Vito · February 14, 2015 at 10:53 pm

He seems so sweet and stable!! Calm is good, I have no doubt you’ll be able to create the enthusiasm and energy you need. But as every dog needs different things, I’m sure you won’t need to focus much on impulse control 🙂

I felt that Pyra had the perfect temperament to be an amazing obedience dog and a pretty good agility dog. Very focused, confident, stable, loved to please, and moderate energy. I focused a lot more on “drive building” and allowing a bit naughtier behaviors with her as I knew it would be so easy to reign in.

Zumi is not as confident, more environmental, and much higher energy. Different things to work on for sure. But I also mesh a lot more with her personality.

And some puppies are sleeper puppies. Gracie was the easiest lab puppy ever. Pyra very much reminded me of her puppy personality. But Gracie certainly developed some intensity as she went through her teenage stage! She is one very fast little labrador now while still being very sweet and focused at the same time.

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