Bad lighting but look at how adorable!

Bad lighting but look at how adorable!

Travel: We had another exciting week together. We went to a few more new places, including the university. On Saturday I helped teach a 4-H dog judge’s clinic and so he got to visit with new friends in the morning, at lunch, and afterwards. While there he got to see a lot of people, kids, dogs, more stairs and, shiny floors.

Misc: This week we only made it to one puppy class and half of an adult manners class. We did go walk at a car park, a branch of the university, and a soccer field. He had his first roll-in-something-gross and another bath. He’s ready to outgrow the mini car crate, we start the big dog car crate today.

Informal Training: House training is almost too good to be true. Grooming/nail trims are great. He’s calm for the leash on and off and silent while riding in the car.  He sleeps at night and does a good job of mostly chewing only his toys.

Formal Training: This week was so much more fun now that he can do things! He can pivot in a whole circle (but not the way I need for heeling). We started training a sit in front, weaving through my legs, and standing in a box. We continued our training on fetch/tug, backing up, and staying still. We had huge progress on our hand touch, adding cues to spins both directions (offered!), offered downs and offered jumping stands. Lots more come when called practice – tonight we had our first situation where he didn’t come when called – I was starting to believe he was perfect at this skill!

IMG_0867This Week: If the weather cooperates I want to spend more time in town and out in public. I want to add more cues to behaviors and especially get our pivot in the other direction. I would like to do more stay training and we have to work on crating in the house! We need to do more polite walking training and more recalls away from home.