We’ve only known each other a week.

TrainingI know that as an active puppy he will be getting more bitey and jumpy as most young puppies are. We’re working on alternate behaviors, preventing him from having as many opportunities to practice unwanted behavior and minimizing reinforcement when he does try to bite or jump. This will probably get worse before it gets better. Jumping and puppy biting are typical behaviors in puppies.

I know that he is staying close to me when off leash – right now because he is a young animal. I know that as he gets a little older he will want to wander further and explore more. I am careful about where I let him off leash and we are already starting our come when called practice.

I know that loud noises can startle him. We are pairing loud noises with delicious foods. We’re starting some games we use in agility and confidence building classes to teach him to make noises happen to earn rewards.

KY hike 1 2015I know that he will really like other people and dogs. We are practicing being focus on me around people and dogs. He is also allowed to visit and play with people and dogs – by being attentive and calm to ‘ask’ to play.

I know that it’s hard to transition from spending all day with his litter mates to living in a very different setting. I try to not leave him completely alone yet (he will need to learn!). If I know I will have to teach and we won’t have a puppy sitter I can prepare him by getting him tired, giving him something nice to chew on and he will settle in fairly quickly.

I know he won’t ‘tell’ me he needs to go. I take him out frequently – probably more than he needs. With our windchill temperature -20 at times, this isn’t pleasant and they are very short trips outside!

20141231_162623_19I know that rewards are important for training success. We spend time learning more about playing and food rewards and how to enjoy these even more. The more rewards I have available, the easier our training will be.

I know that he will want to interact with the adult dogs more than they might want to interact with him. I’m ready to help protect them as needed, especially almost-14-year-old Blaze.

I know that, as Griffin’s breeder says, “Puppies are not fragile, but they are breakable.”  I try to let him explore his environment and problem solve, but I also try to keep him safe. I know the health problems most common in his breed and will do what I can to reduce the risk of those problems. We have pet insurance and I will do my best to keep him fit and healthy.

I know that up to about 12 weeks there is so much change and development for a puppy. I want to try to help him have as many good (not bad, but also not neutral) experiences.